66. Novoa A & Hechinger RF (2023)
Evidence for the importance of trophically transmitted parasites and predation at the lower latitudes of species ranges
Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 291: 2024.2039. 12pp. article
65. Metz DCG, Hechinger RF (2024)
The physical soldier caste of an invasive, human-infecting flatworm is morphologically extreme and obligately sterile
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (31): e2400953121. 10pp. article


64. Hechinger RF & Metz DCG (2023)
Social evolution: Diverse divisions of labor in trematode parasites
Current Biology. 33: R1222-R1245. article
63. Hechinger RF (2023)
More on formally naming trematode parthenitae & cercariae
Trends in Parasitology. 39 (11): 891-892.
62. Hechinger RF (2023)
Let’s restart formally naming ‘larval’ trematodes
Trends in Parasitology. 39 (8): 638-649. article
61. Weinersmith KL, Nadler LE, Bengston E, Turner AV, Birda A, Cobain K, Dusto JA, Helland-Riise SH, Terhall JM, Øverli Ø, Hechinger RF (2023)
Experimental infections with Euhaplorchis californiensis and a small cyathocotylid increase conspicuous behaviors in California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis)
Journal of Parasitology. 109(4): 362-376.


61. Metz DCG, AV Turner, AP Nelson, RF Hechinger (2022)
Potential for emergence of foodborne trematodiases transmitted by an introduced snail (Melanoides tuberculata) in California and elsewhere in the United States
Journal of Infectious Diseases. 227 (2): 183-192. article
Press: The Desert Sun, SIO release


60. Metz DCG, RF Hechinger (2021)
Lynnia grapsolytica n. gen, n. sp. (Ciliophora: Apostomatida: Colliniidae), a deadly blood parasite of crabs with a novel pseudocytopharynx
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 68: e12847 (1-19). pdf
Press: SIO release
59. Daversa DR, RF Hechinger, E Madin, A Fenton, AI Dell, E Ritchie, J Rohr, VHW Rudolf, KD Lafferty (2021)
Broadening the ecology of fear: non-lethal effects arise from diverse responses to predation and parasitism
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B. 28820202966. pdf
58. Nadler LE, E Bengston, EJ Eliason, C Hassibi, SH Helland-Riise, IB Johansen, GT Kwan, M Tresguerres, AV Turner, KL Weinersmith, Ø Øverli, RF Hechinger (2021)
A brain‐infecting parasite impacts host metabolism both during exposure and after infection is established
Functional Ecology. 35 (1):105-116. article
Press: SIO release


57. Helland-Riise SH, MA Vindas, IB Johansen, LE Nadler, KL Weinersmith, RF Hechinger, Ø Øverli (2020)
Brain-encysting trematodes (Euhaplorchis californiensis) decrease raphe serotonergic activity in California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis)
Biology Open. 9 (7):bio049551. article
56. Resetarits EJ, ME Torchin, RF Hechinger (2020)
Social trematode parasites increase standing army size in areas of greater invasion threat
Biology Letters. 16: 20190765. pdf
Press: SIO release
55. Helland-Riise SH, LE Nadler, MA Vindas, E Bengston, AV Turner, IB Johansen, KL Weinersmith, RF Hechinger, Ø Øverli (2020)
Regional distribution of a brain-encysting parasite provides insights on parasite-induced host behavioural manipulation
Journal of Parasitology. 106(1) 188–197. article


54. Hechinger RF, KL Sheehan, AV Turner (2019)
Metabolic theory of ecology successfully predicts distinct scaling of ectoparasite load on hosts
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 286: 20191777: 1-8. pdf
Press: SIO release
53. Hechinger RF (2019)
Guide to the trematodes (Platyhelminthes) that infect the California horn snail (Cerithideopsis californica: Potamididae: Gastropoda) as first intermediate host
Zootaxa. 4711 (3): 459-494. pdf
52. Fong, CR, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger (2019)
Hermaphrodites and parasitism: size-specific female reproduction drives infection by an ephemeral parasitic castrator
Scientific Reports. 9:19121. article
51. González-Solís D, LC Soler-Jiménez, ML Aguirre-Macedo, JP Mclaughlin, JC Shaw, AK James, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty, VM Vidal-Martínez. (2019)
Parasitic nematodes of marine fishes from Palmyra Atoll, East Indo-Pacific, including a new species of Spinitectus (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae)
ZooKeys. 892:1-26. article
50. Soler-Jiménez LC, FN Morales-Serna, ML Aguirre-Macedo, JP Mclaughlin, AG Jaramillo, JC Shaw, AK James, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty, VM Vidal-Martínez. (2019)
Parasitic copepods (Crustacea, Hexanauplia) on fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific
ZooKeys. 833:85-106. article
49. Fong CR, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger. (2019)
Parasite and host biomass and reproductive output in barnacle populations in the rocky intertidal zone
Parasitology. 146:407-412. pdf


48. Rosencranz JA, KM Thorne, KJ Buffington, JY Takekawa, RF Hechinger, TE Stewart, RF Ambrose, GM Macdonald, MA Holmgren, JA Crooks, RT Patton, KD Lafferty. (2018)
Sea-level rise, habitat loss, and potential extirpation of a salt marsh specialist bird in urbanized landscapes
Ecology and Evolution. 8(16):8115-8125. article
47. Weinersmith KL, CE Brown, KB Clingen, MC Jacobsen, LB Topper, RF Hechinger. (2018)
Euhaplorchis californiensis cercariae exhibit positive phototaxis and negative geotaxis 
Journal of Parasitology. 104(3): 329-333. pdf
46. Gérard C, M Hervé, RF Hechinger. (2018)
Long-term population fluctuations of the exotic New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum and its introduced aporocotylid trematode in northwestern France
Hydrobiologia. 817: 253-266. pdf


45. Vidal-Martinez VM, LC Soler-Jiménez, ML Aguirre-Macedo, J McLaughlin, AG Jaramillo, JC Shaw, A James, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2017)
Monogenea of fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll in the Central Pacific
Zookeys. 713:1-23. article
44. Buck JC, RF Hechinger, AC Wood, TE Stewart, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2017)
Host density increases parasite recruitment but decreases host risk in a snail-trematode system.
Ecology. 98(8): 2029-2038. pdf
43. Sheehan KL, GS Spicer, BM OConnor, RF Hechinger. (2017)
No one saw this coming: endoparasitic mites behind the eyes of a Double-crested Cormorant.
Journal of Parasitology. 103(3): 295-297. pdf
42. Garcia-Vedrenne AE, ACE Quintana, AM DeRogatis, CM Dover, M Lopez, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger. (2017)
Trematodes with a reproductive division of labour: heterophyids also have a soldier caste and early infections reveal how colonies become structured.
International Journal for Parasitology. 47: 41-50. pdf
Press: BugBitten blog coverageParasite Ecology blog coverage
41. Gerard C, O Miura, J Lorda, TH Cribb, MJ Nolan, RF Hechinger. (2017)
A native-range source for a persistent trematode parasite of the exotic New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in France.
Hydrobiologia. 785: 115-126. pdf


40. Greer DA, RF Hechinger, RA Ellingson, LT Findley, J Lorda, DK Jacobs. (2016)
Sea-level driven glacial-age refugia and post-glacial mixing on subtropical coasts, a palaeohabitat and genetic study.
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 283: 20161571. pdf
Press: SIO release, UCLA release
39. Mordecai EA, AG Jaramillo , JE Ashford, RF Hechinger, KD Lafferty. (2016)
The role of competition – colonization tradeoffs and spatial heterogeneity in promoting trematode coexistence.
Ecology. 97: 1484-1496. pdf
38. Lorda J, RF Hechinger, SD Cooper, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2016)
Intraguild predation by shore crabs affects mortality, behavior, growth, and densities of California horn snails.
Ecosphere. 7 (5) e01262: 1-17. pdf
37. Garcia-Vedrenne AE, ACE Quintana, A DeRogatis, K Martyn, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger. (2016)
Social organization in parasitic flatworms: four additional echinostomoid trematodes have a soldier caste and one does not.
Journal of Parasitology. 102: 11–20. pdf


Torchin ME, O Miura, RF Hechinger. (2015)
Parasite species richness and intensity of interspecific interactions increase with latitude in two wide-ranging hosts.
Ecology 96: 3033-3042. pdf
35. Hechinger RF. (2015)
Parasites help find universal ecological rules.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112: 1656-1657. pdf


34. Hopper JV, AM Kuris, J Lorda, SE Simmonds, RF Hechinger. (2014)
Reduced parasitism of a marine whelk, Kelletia kelletii, in its expanded geographic range.
Journal of Biogeography. 41: 1674-1684. pdf
Press: UCSB release
33. Weinersmith KL, CB Warinner, V Tan, DJ Harris, AB Mora, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty, RF Hechinger. (2014)
A lack of crowding? Body size does not decrease with density for two behavior-manipulating parasites.
Integrative & Comparative Biology. 54: 184-192. pdf
32. Hechinger RF, O Miura. (2014)
Two ‘new’ renicolid trematodes (Trematoda: Digenea: Renicolidae) from the California horn snail, Cerithidea californica (Haldeman, 1840) (Gastropoda: Potamididae).
Zootaxa. 3784 (5): 559-574. article


31. Hechinger RF. (2013)
A metabolic and body-size scaling framework for parasite within-host abundance, biomass, and energy flux.
American Naturalist. 182: 234-248. pdf
30. Dunne JA, KD Lafferty, AP Dobson, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, ND Martinez, JP McLaughlin, et al. (2013)
Parasites affect food web structure primarily through increased diversity and complexity.
PLoS Biology. 11: e1001579. article
Press: PLoS Bio Synopsis by Jon Chase, Science Codex, Science 2.0
29. Thieltges DW, PA Amundsen, RF Hechinger, PTJ Johnson, KD Lafferty, KN Mouritsen, DL Preston, et al. (2013)
Parasites as prey in aquatic food webs: implications for predator infection and parasite transmission.
Oikos.122: 1473-1482. pdf
28. Alda P, N Bonel, RF Hechinger, SR Martorelli. (2013)
Maritrema orensense and Maritrema bonaerense (Digenea: Microphallidae): descriptions, life cycles, and comparative morphometric analyses.
Journal of Parasitology. 99: 218-228. pdf


27. Hechinger RF. (2012)
Faunal survey and identification key for the trematodes (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) infecting Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) as first intermediate host.
Zootaxa. 3418: 1-27. article
26. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2012)
Parasites. Pages 234-247 in JH Brown, RM Sibly, A Kodric-Brown, editors. Metabolic ecology: a scaling approach.
John Wiley & Sons, Oxford. pdf
25. Vidal-Martinez VM, ML Aguirre-Macedo, J McLaughlin, AG Jaramillo, JC Shaw, A James, RF Hechinger, et al. (2012)
Digenean metacercariae of fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll.
Journal of Helminthology. 86: 593-509. pdf
24. Miura O, ME Torchin, E Birmingham, DK Jacobs, RF Hechinger. (2012)
Flying shells: historical dispersal of marine snails across Central America.
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 279: 1061-1067. pdf
Press: Santa Barbara Independent, The New York Times, Discover Magazine, Science Daily


23. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AP Dobson, JH Brown, AM Kuris. (2011)
A common scaling rule for the abundance, productivity, and energetics of parasitic and free-living species.
Science. 333: 445-448. pdf
Press: Science Daily, ScienceNewsline, UPI, Wall Street Journal
22. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, JP McLaughlin, BL Fredensborg, TC Huspeni, J Lorda, PK Sandhu, JC Shaw, et al. (2011)
Food webs including parasites, biomass, body sizes, and life stages, for three California/Baja California estuaries.
Ecology. 92: 791. [data paper] pdf
21. Hechinger RF, AC Wood, AM Kuris. (2011)
Social organization in a flatworm: trematode parasites form soldier and reproductive castes.
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 278: 656-665. pdf
Press: CBC Radio Interview, Discover Magazine, Discovery News, NBC News, LiveScience, NewScientist (with video)


20. Hechinger RF. (2010)
Mortality affects adaptive allocation to growth and reproduction: field evidence from a guild of body snatchers.
BMC Evolutionary Biology. 10: 136. pdf
19. Shaw JC, RF Hechinger, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2010)
Ecology of the brain trematode Euhaplorchis californiensis and its host, the California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis).
Journal of Parasitology. 96: 482-490. pdf


18. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, FT Mancini III, RR Warner, AM Kuris. (2009)
How large is the hand inside the puppet? Ecological and evolutionary effects on the mass of trematode parasitic castrators in their snail host.
Evolutionary Ecology. 23: 651-667. pdf


17. Rigby MC, RSK Sharma, RF Hechinger, TR Platt, JC Weaver. (2008)
Two new species of Camallanus (Nematoda: Camallanidae) from freshwater turtles in Queensland, Australia.
Journal of Parasitology. 94: 1364-1370. pdf
16. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2008)
Diversity increases biomass for trematode parasitic castrators in snails.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275:2707-2714. pdf
15. Dobson A, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger, W Jetz. (2008)
Homage to Linneaus: How many parasites? How many hosts?
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105:11482-11489. pdf
14. Kuris AM, RF Hechinger, JC Shaw, KL Whitney, ML Aguirre-Macedo, C Boch, AP Dobson, et al. (2008)
Ecosystem energetic implications of parasite and free-living biomass in three estuaries.
Nature. 454:515-518. pdf
Press: Santa Barbara Independent, Discover Magazine, NewScientist
13. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2008)
Trematodes indicate biodiversity in the Chilean intertidal zone and Lake Tanganyika.
Journal of Parasitology. 94:966-968. pdf


12. Hechinger RF. (2007)
Annotated key to the trematode species infecting Batillaria attramentaria (Prosobranchia: Batillariidae) as a first intermediate host.
Parasitology International. 56:287-296. pdf
11. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, TC Huspeni, A Brooks, AM Kuris. (2007)
Can parasites be indicators of free-living diversity? Relationships between the species richness and abundance of larval trematodes with that of local fishes and benthos.
Oecologia. 151:82-92. pdf
10. Whitney KL, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2007)
Endangered species and parasites: light-footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes) affects parasite community structure in coastal wetlands.
Ecological Applications. 17:1694-1702. pdf


9. Lafferty KD, RF Hechinger, JC Shaw, KL Whitney, AM Kuris. (2006)
Food webs and parasites in a salt marsh ecosystem. Pages 119-134 in SK Collinge, and C Ray, editors. Disease ecology: community structure and pathogen dynamics.
Oxford University Press, Oxford. pdf
8. Miura O, AM Kuris, ME Torchin, RF Hechinger, S Chiba. (2006)
Parasites alter host phenotype and create a new ecological niche for snail hosts.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273:1323-1328. pdf
7. Miura O, ME Torchin, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger, S Chiba. (2006)
Introduced cryptic species of parasite exhibit different invasion pathways.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:19818-19823. pdf


6. Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty. (2005)
Host diversity begets parasite diversity: bird final hosts and trematodes in snail intermediate hosts.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272:1059-1066. pdf
5. Huspeni TC, RF Hechinger, KD Lafferty. (2005)
Trematode parasites as estuarine indicators: opportunities, applications and comparisons with conventional community approaches. Pages 297-314 in S Bortone, editor. Estuarine indicators.
CRC Press, Boca Raton. pdf
4. Lafferty KD, RF Hechinger, J Lorda, L Soler. (2005)
Trematodes associated with mangrove habitat in Puerto Rican salt marshes.
Journal of Parasitology 91:697-699. pdf
3. Miura O, AM Kuris, ME Torchin, RF Hechinger, EJ Dunham, S Chiba. (2005)
Molecular-genetic analyses reveal cryptic species of trematodes in the intertidal gastropod, Batillaria cumingi(Crosse).
International Journal for Parasitology 35:793-801. pdf
2. Torchin ME, RF Hechinger, TC Huspeni, KL Whitney, KD Lafferty. (2005)
The introduced ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) in Estero de Punta Banda, Mexico: interactions with the native cord grass, Spartina foliosa.
Bioinvasions 7:607-614. pdf


1. Rigby MC, RF Hechinger, L Stevens. (2002)
Why should parasite resistance be costly? T    bnbnmbmnv                    rends in Parasitology 18:116-120. pdf
Trends in Parasitology 18:116-120. pdf