66. | Novoa A & Hechinger RF (2023) |
Evidence for the importance of trophically transmitted parasites and predation at the lower latitudes of species ranges | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 291: 2024.2039. 12pp. article | |
65. | Metz DCG, Hechinger RF (2024) |
The physical soldier caste of an invasive, human-infecting flatworm is morphologically extreme and obligately sterile | |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (31): e2400953121. 10pp. article | |
64. | Hechinger RF & Metz DCG (2023) |
Social evolution: Diverse divisions of labor in trematode parasites | |
Current Biology. 33: R1222-R1245. article | |
63. | Hechinger RF (2023) |
More on formally naming trematode parthenitae & cercariae | |
Trends in Parasitology. 39 (11): 891-892. | |
62. | Hechinger RF (2023) |
Let’s restart formally naming ‘larval’ trematodes | |
Trends in Parasitology. 39 (8): 638-649. article | |
61. | Weinersmith KL, Nadler LE, Bengston E, Turner AV, Birda A, Cobain K, Dusto JA, Helland-Riise SH, Terhall JM, Øverli Ø, Hechinger RF (2023) |
Experimental infections with Euhaplorchis californiensis and a small cyathocotylid increase conspicuous behaviors in California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) | |
Journal of Parasitology. 109(4): 362-376. | |
61. | Metz DCG, AV Turner, AP Nelson, RF Hechinger (2022) |
Potential for emergence of foodborne trematodiases transmitted by an introduced snail (Melanoides tuberculata) in California and elsewhere in the United States | |
Journal of Infectious Diseases. 227 (2): 183-192. article | |
Press: The Desert Sun, SIO release | |
60. | Metz DCG, RF Hechinger (2021) |
Lynnia grapsolytica n. gen, n. sp. (Ciliophora: Apostomatida: Colliniidae), a deadly blood parasite of crabs with a novel pseudocytopharynx | |
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 68: e12847 (1-19). pdf | |
Press: SIO release | |
59. | Daversa DR, RF Hechinger, E Madin, A Fenton, AI Dell, E Ritchie, J Rohr, VHW Rudolf, KD Lafferty (2021) |
Broadening the ecology of fear: non-lethal effects arise from diverse responses to predation and parasitism | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B. 28820202966. pdf | |
58. | Nadler LE, E Bengston, EJ Eliason, C Hassibi, SH Helland-Riise, IB Johansen, GT Kwan, M Tresguerres, AV Turner, KL Weinersmith, Ø Øverli, RF Hechinger (2021) |
A brain‐infecting parasite impacts host metabolism both during exposure and after infection is established | |
Functional Ecology. 35 (1):105-116. article | |
Press: SIO release | |
57. | Helland-Riise SH, MA Vindas, IB Johansen, LE Nadler, KL Weinersmith, RF Hechinger, Ø Øverli (2020) |
Brain-encysting trematodes (Euhaplorchis californiensis) decrease raphe serotonergic activity in California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) | |
Biology Open. 9 (7):bio049551. article | |
56. | Resetarits EJ, ME Torchin, RF Hechinger (2020) |
Social trematode parasites increase standing army size in areas of greater invasion threat | |
Biology Letters. 16: 20190765. pdf | |
Press: SIO release | |
55. | Helland-Riise SH, LE Nadler, MA Vindas, E Bengston, AV Turner, IB Johansen, KL Weinersmith, RF Hechinger, Ø Øverli (2020) |
Regional distribution of a brain-encysting parasite provides insights on parasite-induced host behavioural manipulation | |
Journal of Parasitology. 106(1) 188–197. article | |
54. | Hechinger RF, KL Sheehan, AV Turner (2019) |
Metabolic theory of ecology successfully predicts distinct scaling of ectoparasite load on hosts | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 286: 20191777: 1-8. pdf |
Press: SIO release | |
53. | Hechinger RF (2019) |
Guide to the trematodes (Platyhelminthes) that infect the California horn snail (Cerithideopsis californica: Potamididae: Gastropoda) as first intermediate host | |
Zootaxa. 4711 (3): 459-494. pdf | |
52. | Fong, CR, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger (2019) |
Hermaphrodites and parasitism: size-specific female reproduction drives infection by an ephemeral parasitic castrator | |
Scientific Reports. 9:19121. article | |
51. | González-Solís D, LC Soler-Jiménez, ML Aguirre-Macedo, JP Mclaughlin, JC Shaw, AK James, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty, VM Vidal-Martínez. (2019) |
Parasitic nematodes of marine fishes from Palmyra Atoll, East Indo-Pacific, including a new species of Spinitectus (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae) | |
ZooKeys. 892:1-26. article | |
50. | Soler-Jiménez LC, FN Morales-Serna, ML Aguirre-Macedo, JP Mclaughlin, AG Jaramillo, JC Shaw, AK James, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty, VM Vidal-Martínez. (2019) |
Parasitic copepods (Crustacea, Hexanauplia) on fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific | |
ZooKeys. 833:85-106. article | |
49. | Fong CR, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger. (2019) |
Parasite and host biomass and reproductive output in barnacle populations in the rocky intertidal zone | |
Parasitology. 146:407-412. pdf | |
48. | Rosencranz JA, KM Thorne, KJ Buffington, JY Takekawa, RF Hechinger, TE Stewart, RF Ambrose, GM Macdonald, MA Holmgren, JA Crooks, RT Patton, KD Lafferty. (2018) |
Sea-level rise, habitat loss, and potential extirpation of a salt marsh specialist bird in urbanized landscapes | |
Ecology and Evolution. 8(16):8115-8125. article | |
47. | Weinersmith KL, CE Brown, KB Clingen, MC Jacobsen, LB Topper, RF Hechinger. (2018) |
Euhaplorchis californiensis cercariae exhibit positive phototaxis and negative geotaxis | |
Journal of Parasitology. 104(3): 329-333. pdf | |
46. | Gérard C, M Hervé, RF Hechinger. (2018) |
Long-term population fluctuations of the exotic New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum and its introduced aporocotylid trematode in northwestern France | |
Hydrobiologia. 817: 253-266. pdf | |
45. | Vidal-Martinez VM, LC Soler-Jiménez, ML Aguirre-Macedo, J McLaughlin, AG Jaramillo, JC Shaw, A James, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2017) |
Monogenea of fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll in the Central Pacific | |
Zookeys. 713:1-23. article | |
44. | Buck JC, RF Hechinger, AC Wood, TE Stewart, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2017) |
Host density increases parasite recruitment but decreases host risk in a snail-trematode system. | |
Ecology. 98(8): 2029-2038. pdf | |
43. | Sheehan KL, GS Spicer, BM OConnor, RF Hechinger. (2017) |
No one saw this coming: endoparasitic mites behind the eyes of a Double-crested Cormorant. | |
Journal of Parasitology. 103(3): 295-297. pdf | |
42. | Garcia-Vedrenne AE, ACE Quintana, AM DeRogatis, CM Dover, M Lopez, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger. (2017) |
Trematodes with a reproductive division of labour: heterophyids also have a soldier caste and early infections reveal how colonies become structured. | |
International Journal for Parasitology. 47: 41-50. pdf | |
Press: BugBitten blog coverage, Parasite Ecology blog coverage | |
41. | Gerard C, O Miura, J Lorda, TH Cribb, MJ Nolan, RF Hechinger. (2017) |
A native-range source for a persistent trematode parasite of the exotic New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in France. | |
Hydrobiologia. 785: 115-126. pdf | |
40. | Greer DA, RF Hechinger, RA Ellingson, LT Findley, J Lorda, DK Jacobs. (2016) |
Sea-level driven glacial-age refugia and post-glacial mixing on subtropical coasts, a palaeohabitat and genetic study. | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 283: 20161571. pdf | |
Press: SIO release, UCLA release | |
39. | Mordecai EA, AG Jaramillo , JE Ashford, RF Hechinger, KD Lafferty. (2016) |
The role of competition – colonization tradeoffs and spatial heterogeneity in promoting trematode coexistence. | |
Ecology. 97: 1484-1496. pdf |
38. | Lorda J, RF Hechinger, SD Cooper, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2016) |
Intraguild predation by shore crabs affects mortality, behavior, growth, and densities of California horn snails. | |
Ecosphere. 7 (5) e01262: 1-17. pdf | |
37. | Garcia-Vedrenne AE, ACE Quintana, A DeRogatis, K Martyn, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger. (2016) |
Social organization in parasitic flatworms: four additional echinostomoid trematodes have a soldier caste and one does not. | |
Journal of Parasitology. 102: 11–20. pdf | |
36. |
Torchin ME, O Miura, RF Hechinger. (2015)
Parasite species richness and intensity of interspecific interactions increase with latitude in two wide-ranging hosts. | |
Ecology 96: 3033-3042. pdf
35. | Hechinger RF. (2015) |
Parasites help find universal ecological rules. | |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112: 1656-1657. pdf | |
34. | Hopper JV, AM Kuris, J Lorda, SE Simmonds, RF Hechinger. (2014) |
Reduced parasitism of a marine whelk, Kelletia kelletii, in its expanded geographic range. | |
Journal of Biogeography. 41: 1674-1684. pdf | |
Press: UCSB release | |
33. | Weinersmith KL, CB Warinner, V Tan, DJ Harris, AB Mora, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty, RF Hechinger. (2014) |
A lack of crowding? Body size does not decrease with density for two behavior-manipulating parasites. | |
Integrative & Comparative Biology. 54: 184-192. pdf | |
32. | Hechinger RF, O Miura. (2014) |
Two ‘new’ renicolid trematodes (Trematoda: Digenea: Renicolidae) from the California horn snail, Cerithidea californica (Haldeman, 1840) (Gastropoda: Potamididae). | |
Zootaxa. 3784 (5): 559-574. article | |
31. | Hechinger RF. (2013) |
A metabolic and body-size scaling framework for parasite within-host abundance, biomass, and energy flux. | |
American Naturalist. 182: 234-248. pdf | |
30. | Dunne JA, KD Lafferty, AP Dobson, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, ND Martinez, JP McLaughlin, et al. (2013) |
Parasites affect food web structure primarily through increased diversity and complexity. | |
PLoS Biology. 11: e1001579. article | |
Press: PLoS Bio Synopsis by Jon Chase, Science Codex, Science 2.0 | |
29. | Thieltges DW, PA Amundsen, RF Hechinger, PTJ Johnson, KD Lafferty, KN Mouritsen, DL Preston, et al. (2013) |
Parasites as prey in aquatic food webs: implications for predator infection and parasite transmission. | |
Oikos.122: 1473-1482. pdf | |
28. | Alda P, N Bonel, RF Hechinger, SR Martorelli. (2013) |
Maritrema orensense and Maritrema bonaerense (Digenea: Microphallidae): descriptions, life cycles, and comparative morphometric analyses. | |
Journal of Parasitology. 99: 218-228. pdf | |
27. | Hechinger RF. (2012) |
Faunal survey and identification key for the trematodes (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) infecting Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) as first intermediate host. | |
Zootaxa. 3418: 1-27. article | |
26. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2012) |
Parasites. Pages 234-247 in JH Brown, RM Sibly, A Kodric-Brown, editors. Metabolic ecology: a scaling approach. | |
John Wiley & Sons, Oxford. pdf | |
25. | Vidal-Martinez VM, ML Aguirre-Macedo, J McLaughlin, AG Jaramillo, JC Shaw, A James, RF Hechinger, et al. (2012) |
Digenean metacercariae of fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll. | |
Journal of Helminthology. 86: 593-509. pdf | |
24. | Miura O, ME Torchin, E Birmingham, DK Jacobs, RF Hechinger. (2012) |
Flying shells: historical dispersal of marine snails across Central America. | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 279: 1061-1067. pdf | |
Press: Santa Barbara Independent, The New York Times, Discover Magazine, Science Daily | |
23. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AP Dobson, JH Brown, AM Kuris. (2011) |
A common scaling rule for the abundance, productivity, and energetics of parasitic and free-living species. | |
Science. 333: 445-448. pdf | |
Press: Science Daily, ScienceNewsline, UPI, Wall Street Journal | |
22. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, JP McLaughlin, BL Fredensborg, TC Huspeni, J Lorda, PK Sandhu, JC Shaw, et al. (2011) |
Food webs including parasites, biomass, body sizes, and life stages, for three California/Baja California estuaries. | |
Ecology. 92: 791. [data paper] pdf | |
21. | Hechinger RF, AC Wood, AM Kuris. (2011) |
Social organization in a flatworm: trematode parasites form soldier and reproductive castes. | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences. 278: 656-665. pdf | |
Press: CBC Radio Interview, Discover Magazine, Discovery News, NBC News, LiveScience, NewScientist (with video) | |
20. | Hechinger RF. (2010) |
Mortality affects adaptive allocation to growth and reproduction: field evidence from a guild of body snatchers. | |
BMC Evolutionary Biology. 10: 136. pdf | |
19. | Shaw JC, RF Hechinger, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2010) |
Ecology of the brain trematode Euhaplorchis californiensis and its host, the California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis). | |
Journal of Parasitology. 96: 482-490. pdf | |
18. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, FT Mancini III, RR Warner, AM Kuris. (2009) |
How large is the hand inside the puppet? Ecological and evolutionary effects on the mass of trematode parasitic castrators in their snail host. | |
Evolutionary Ecology. 23: 651-667. pdf | |
17. | Rigby MC, RSK Sharma, RF Hechinger, TR Platt, JC Weaver. (2008) |
Two new species of Camallanus (Nematoda: Camallanidae) from freshwater turtles in Queensland, Australia. | |
Journal of Parasitology. 94: 1364-1370. pdf | |
16. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2008) |
Diversity increases biomass for trematode parasitic castrators in snails. | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275:2707-2714. pdf | |
15. | Dobson A, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger, W Jetz. (2008) |
Homage to Linneaus: How many parasites? How many hosts? | |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105:11482-11489. pdf | |
14. | Kuris AM, RF Hechinger, JC Shaw, KL Whitney, ML Aguirre-Macedo, C Boch, AP Dobson, et al. (2008) |
Ecosystem energetic implications of parasite and free-living biomass in three estuaries. | |
Nature. 454:515-518. pdf | |
Press: Santa Barbara Independent, Discover Magazine, NewScientist | |
13. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, AM Kuris. (2008) |
Trematodes indicate biodiversity in the Chilean intertidal zone and Lake Tanganyika. | |
Journal of Parasitology. 94:966-968. pdf | |
12. | Hechinger RF. (2007) |
Annotated key to the trematode species infecting Batillaria attramentaria (Prosobranchia: Batillariidae) as a first intermediate host. | |
Parasitology International. 56:287-296. pdf | |
11. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty, TC Huspeni, A Brooks, AM Kuris. (2007) |
Can parasites be indicators of free-living diversity? Relationships between the species richness and abundance of larval trematodes with that of local fishes and benthos. | |
Oecologia. 151:82-92. pdf | |
10. | Whitney KL, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty. (2007) |
Endangered species and parasites: light-footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes) affects parasite community structure in coastal wetlands. | |
Ecological Applications. 17:1694-1702. pdf | |
9. | Lafferty KD, RF Hechinger, JC Shaw, KL Whitney, AM Kuris. (2006) |
Food webs and parasites in a salt marsh ecosystem. Pages 119-134 in SK Collinge, and C Ray, editors. Disease ecology: community structure and pathogen dynamics. | |
Oxford University Press, Oxford. pdf | |
8. | Miura O, AM Kuris, ME Torchin, RF Hechinger, S Chiba. (2006) |
Parasites alter host phenotype and create a new ecological niche for snail hosts. | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273:1323-1328. pdf | |
7. | Miura O, ME Torchin, AM Kuris, RF Hechinger, S Chiba. (2006) |
Introduced cryptic species of parasite exhibit different invasion pathways. | |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:19818-19823. pdf | |
6. | Hechinger RF, KD Lafferty. (2005) |
Host diversity begets parasite diversity: bird final hosts and trematodes in snail intermediate hosts. | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272:1059-1066. pdf | |
5. | Huspeni TC, RF Hechinger, KD Lafferty. (2005) |
Trematode parasites as estuarine indicators: opportunities, applications and comparisons with conventional community approaches. Pages 297-314 in S Bortone, editor. Estuarine indicators. | |
CRC Press, Boca Raton. pdf | |
4. | Lafferty KD, RF Hechinger, J Lorda, L Soler. (2005) |
Trematodes associated with mangrove habitat in Puerto Rican salt marshes. | |
Journal of Parasitology 91:697-699. pdf | |
3. | Miura O, AM Kuris, ME Torchin, RF Hechinger, EJ Dunham, S Chiba. (2005) |
Molecular-genetic analyses reveal cryptic species of trematodes in the intertidal gastropod, Batillaria cumingi(Crosse). | |
International Journal for Parasitology 35:793-801. pdf | |
2. | Torchin ME, RF Hechinger, TC Huspeni, KL Whitney, KD Lafferty. (2005) |
The introduced ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) in Estero de Punta Banda, Mexico: interactions with the native cord grass, Spartina foliosa. | |
Bioinvasions 7:607-614. pdf | |
1. | Rigby MC, RF Hechinger, L Stevens. (2002) |
Why should parasite resistance be costly? T bnbnmbmnv rends in Parasitology 18:116-120. pdf | |
Trends in Parasitology 18:116-120. pdf |