Alexandria wins outstanding presentation award at ASP 2022!

Ryan Hechingernews

Congratulations Alex for being one of the two recipients of the best presentation award! She presented the part of her MS work dealing with species descriptions, redescriptions, and experimental life cycle work of four species of philophthalmid trematodes.  [Yes, we’re currently working on submitting that and other papers from her MS; and she’s currently doing her Phd at N. Carolina … Read More

Lab goes to ASP 2022

Ryan Hechingernews

Anaí, Dan, and Ryan (and Alexandria as a bonus) fly to College Station, Texas for the first in-person American Society of Parasitologists meeting since before the pandemic. Anaí and Dan gave talks on their thesis work. Alexandria came in from North Carolina State to present part of her previous Masters work. The meeting was a success, conversations where great, and … Read More

Anaí wins two Departmental and University awards!

Ryan Hechingernews

Congratulations to Anaí, who was awarded SIO’s outstanding TA award for her excellent work last Fall TAing Introduction to Marine Biology, which is the gateway upper division class for the Marine Biology major. She also won UCSD’s Inclusive Excellence award for her outstanding work at SIO and UCSD involving Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Anaí wins Best Talk at WSN 2021

Ryan Hechingernews

Anaí impressed the judges with her talk, “Do host populations consistently differ in their levels or types of parasitism throughout their geographic ranges”, at the (virtual) annual conference of the Western Society of Naturalists. Stiff competition there! Congratulations!

Goodbye Andrew! :(

Ryan Hechingernews

After helping Ryan run the lab for 6 years, Andrew makes a move to North Carolina. Although he will be sorely missed, we wish him the best (and hope to get him back again someday). Thanks for all of your efforts Andrew!