Post-doc opportunity in lab


The position will involve taking on a 1.5 year project in the Hechinger Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. The project is part of a larger, international project. Collaborators include Dr. Øyvind Øverli (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) and Dr. Kelly Weinersmith (Rice University). The overall project weds parasitology, ecology, behavior, neurobiology, and omics. This post-doc will examine the impacts on estuarine birds by Euhaplorchis californiensis, a trematode parasite. The parasite uses birds as final hosts, but effects there are countered to unknown extent by the parasites modifying the behavior of the birds’ prey, the California killifish, making them easier to catch.

The current plan is for the post-doc to be lead a laboratory study using controlled exposures of final hosts (birds, rodents) to document the parasite impacts on those hosts. Impacts will be measured at least by growth rates and, likely, metabolic rates (respirometry). The post-doc will hopefully also be involved with other aspects of the project, including a field experiment using fish in enclosures to quantify how fish infection changes bird predation rates and success.

Salary/Stipend Information: NIH standard & based on years of postdoc experience

Qualifications and preferred academic background: Candidates should possess some or all of these attributes (some of which, including parasitological skills, can be learned on the job):
1. Ability to handle, maintain, and dissect birds and rodents.
2. Ability to do respirometry on air breathing vertebrates.
3. Ability to dissect fish, birds, and rodents, and quantify parasite abundance and body size.
4. Have good communication, organizational, collaborative skills.
5. Have solid analytical skills. At least a working knowledge of general and generalized linear models. Dynamical modelling skills are a plus, but not required.
6. Proven writing/publication skills as indicated by published papers.
7. Experience or ability to deal with live, wild estuarine birds.

Appointment Length/Period: Appointment will start as early as 1 August 2016 and continue for 1.5 years (at least).

Application procedure: Send an email with subject header “POST-DOC APPLICATION”, with an attachment of a single PDF file that includes a cover letter, CV, statement of research interests, and contact information for three references to Dr. Hechinger at

Application Closing Date: 24 Jun 2016 or until filled

Kate goes to Aleutians


Kate leaves for another trip to Alaska to work on our “Parasites, plastics, poisons, & seabirds” project. She is going on a research cruise with USFW for a few weeks, collecting seabirds off of the western Aleutian Islands. She’s way out there!

Lab goes to Southern California Parasitologists meeting


Five members of the lab go to the first meeting of the recently resurrected SCP to give presentations. Kate presents a talk based on her previous cormorant research, Dan talks about the newly discovered ciliate pathogen of striped shore crabs, and three of our lab assistants (Nathan, Rachel, & Erik) also go to present posters on various aspects of estuarine bird parasitology.

Ryan gives talk at Penn State


Ryan is able to spend a few days meeting with colleagues at the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Penn State University. David Hughes (the “zombie ant guy)” is hosting him. Ryan will give his talk that focuses on how trematode parasitic castrators (body snatchers) can serve as tools to probe fundamental life history theory and as a new model system for the ecology and evolution of complex sociality.

Siri Riise visits


As the first part of our collaborative Euhaplorchis project, Oyvind Overli’s PhD student, Siri, arrives from Norway. She will spend three weeks here, studying behavior and brain chemistry of California killifish infected and not infected by Euhaplorchis californiensis.